Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lemon Curd Tart

Mmm i made this for my dad's birthday on Christmas eve. Once again i cheaped out and bought a premade flan base; they're just so easy!! Admittedly though, they do not taste as nice as a home made pastry base. I promise i will make one this year!!

So as i bought the base pre-made this post is really more of a 'how to make lemon curd' post. Lemon curd is not limited to lemon tarts. You can use it on scones with cream, you could add it to icecream (Maggie Beer does an exception lemon curd icecream), use it as a layer on a sponge cake, or just eat it on bread like jam. Remember though that it does not last like jam does; this stuff will only keep a few weeks and MUST be refrigerated.

  • Zest and juice of 3 lemons
  • 125gm unsalted butter, chopped
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 eggs

Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a large bowl.

Add in the lemon juice and zest and place over a double boiler on low heat.

 Cook for 25-30 minutes, whisking regularly, until the mixture has thickened considerably.
Remove from the boiler and add the butter.

Stir through until the butter has completely melted and been absorbed into the mixture.
Pour into the prepared pie crust.

Refridgerate for minumum 4 hours or until set.
Serve dusted with icing sugar, and a dollop cream or icecream.

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