Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Butter Pecan Icecream

Yes, i've been absent without leave for quite some time now! But that doesn't mean i haven't been cooking away. I've simply been too engrossed in eating my creations before i get a chance to photograph them.

To get your tastebuds a-tingling, and your saliva a-flowing after a long hiatus, let me introduce to you the best icecream i've ever made! Taken from the recipe for a well known icecream brand, it is also one of the easiest icecreams to make too. No risk of curdling THIS custard!


  • 1 cup of pecan halves
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1 cup full cream milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup sugar


Heat the butter in a skillet over medium heat.

Once melted, add the pecans
Saute until the butter is juuuuust beginning to brown, and the pecans are very fragrant.
Pour off the butter into a cup and reserve the pecans.
Crack the eggs into a deep bowl and whisk until thick and creamy (about 2 minutes)
Add the sugar in 5 lots, whisking with each addition, then whisk for a further 1 minutes
Add the cream, milk, and melted butter, whisking to combine well
Transfer to a jug and chill in the refrigerator (say 2 hours)
Transfer the mixture to an icecream maker and freeze as per manufacturer's instructions.
Just before the mix is fully frozen, add the pecan halves

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