Sunday, August 14, 2011

Passionfruit Cheesecake Icecream

Yum! Don't you love when a bunch of leftover ingredients sitting around lead to an awesome culinary creation: cue: 1 packet of cream cheese, 1 frozen container of passionfruit curd leftover from sponge cake, and an abundance of eggs (48 to be exact). Put them all together and what does that make: passionfruit cheesecake icecream!

Actually, to be honest, credit must go to my mother. I had originally decided to make passionfruit curd icecream, but it was mum who thought of throwing the cream cheese in there. A family of diabolical geniuses or what!

Ingredients (Makes 1.5L)

  • 500ml thickened cream
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup passionfruit curd (see recipe here)
  • 250ml full cream milk
  • 250gm cream cheese
  • 3/4 cup caster sugar


Place the milk and cream cheese in a blender and blend until smooth.

Add the eggs and blend for a further 1 minute
Add the vanilla, sugar and cream and blend for a further 2 minutes
Turn into an airtight container and place in fridge overnight.

The next morning mix in icecream mixer as per mixer instructions.
Just before removing from the mixing machine, stir through the passionfruit curd.

Freeze for 8 hour before eating.


  1. Omg - 3 of my favourite things: passionfruit, cheesecake, ice-cream! Love!

    It's also awesome how you don't have to cook a custard to make this, will have to try it when I'm back home. :)

    xox Sarah

  2. haha trifector! Yeah it is great you dont have to cook these custards, just no touchies for pregnant women! Apparently this is the way Ben & Jerry do it
